Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Reclaimed wood floors remanufactured for you from reclaimed timbers, or reused reclaimed lumber flooring, from old buildings.
The Pacific Northwest has tens of thousands of older homes with Douglas Fir Floors. Because many buildings in the West were built out of our native Douglas Fir, we receive a lot of that material and often remill Fir floors out of joists, rafters and beams from old structures.
Our reclaimed floor can have a fresh face or an old patina face. Reclaimed Douglas Fir floors have added warmth & beauty to many homes.

Douglas Fir Floors
Reclaimed Wood Flooring Notes: With the exception of tight vertical grain Douglas Fir rarely will any two of our reclaimed floors look exactly alike. Your reclaimed wood flooring is hand picked and graded after it’s been run to pattern. If you desire a particular look such as many or few nail holes, larger or smaller knots, black oxidation marks, etc. please call for accommodation. All of our flooring ships unfinished.
Maple Flooring
How Reclaimed Wood Flooring is Made
Your flooring is remanufactured either from reclaimed planks and beams, or reused ‘as is’ from old buildings. Flooring grades depend on the quality of wood received from each deconstruction project.
Your installer will have to trim ends on floors over 6” wide and on random pieces on floors under 6” wide.
Reclaimed wood flooring in sized of 3”, 4 1/2”, 6” & 10 1/2” widths are usually in stock. We specialize in Wideplank Douglas fir and Ponderosa Pine and can speciality mill wide plank flooring up to 15” wide when raw stock is available.